Entries by xptadmin


Eat Cheaply Starting October 2 On Sunday, October 2, you should’ve received a starter kit on your way out of service and that’s when the hoopla began. We’ll be saving our cash by eating beans and rice, then investing that money in four great efforts outside of Crosspoint. If this is your first year or if […]

Own It

OWN IT If you’ve been around here for more than five minutes or so, you might come to the conclusion that Crosspoint is a pretty unusual place. We want people to discover Jesus, take ownership of their faith in Him, and to take it to our communities and beyond. Period.   That’s why we’re spending four weeks taking […]

UpStreet – Fall 2016

Have you ever been to the circus? The circus can be a fun experience. But have you ever watched the circus through the eyes of a child? How they suddenly point to the sky as they notice the courageous men and women who walk, skip, and even ride bikes three stories above you on the […]

BRAVE 2016

Join us for a 6-week journey as we explore taking brave steps and walking in the confidence and power of who God made us to be. Jesus calls us to step out of the boat and into an adventure. We’re constantly facing the choice to stay in comfort and security or rely on God’s power to face our fears and step into […]

Daddy Issues

DADDY ISSUES Dads—we all have one. For some of us, our dad made us laugh, cry, feel secure and put on our big boy pants and get to school. Others of us missed out on knowing our dad. For better or worse, our relationship with our father influences our relationship with God. Join us Sundays, […]

UpStreet – August 2016

WIERD SCIENCE All throughout Scripture, we see how God responds to disobedience. While there were consequences, God continued to love the world and made a way to restore our broken relationship. With that in mind, this school year, we’ll walk kids through God’s One Big Story of God’s plan to rescue us by sending Jesus, […]

How To Thrive In A Hostile World

In this time of escalating violence, trauma, and racial tension, it seems we live in an ever-increasing hostile culture. Through the rising tensions from the terrible race-related violence, to the volatile political climate, and on-going global unrest, we sit back and wonder, “Where is the hope?” “Can it really get any better?” God loves everyone […]