
Eat Cheaply Starting October 2

On Sunday, October 2, you should’ve received a starter kit on your way out of service and that’s when the hoopla began. We’ll be saving our cash by eating beans and rice, then investing that money in four great efforts outside of Crosspoint. If this is your first year or if you’d like to get inspired from a few sweet recipes, learn more here. If you have dietary restrictions, or maybe a pre-planned birthday dinner, then by all means do what makes sense for you.


How It Works

Include beans and rice on your shopping list. Tip: canned beans are easier to prepare since dry beans require soaking them for 24 hours. Eat beans and rice for as many meals the week of October 2, and save the cash you’d normally spend on food. The following weekend, you can give that cash in one of four ways:

  • Write a check. Put “beans and rice” on the memo line and bring your check to service on Sunday, March 29 & drop it in the JOY BOX.
  • Bring cash. It doesn’t matter if it’s a pile of fives or a crap-load of dimes, you can dump it in the JOY BOX.
  • Give (early) via computer. Simply click on the “GIVE” button in the upper right hand corner in the menu bar. Select “One-Time Gift” (you’ll be asked to log in or to create a login), and select “Beans and Rice” or type “Beans and Rice” in the notes line.
  • Give via smartphone or tablet. Visit crosspointweb.org or the handy dandy XPT app and in the pull down menu, select “GIVE” … then follow the prompts to complete a donation. Click the “Beans & Rice Designation” or type “Beans and Rice” in the notes line.

Where the Money Goes

All the cash goes to outside organizations busy changing the world.

Global Poverty

The Pink Door – The Pink Door is bringing freedom, recovery, and personal empowerment for women transitioning out of prostitution, sexual enslavement or sexual exploitation, through helping them to build healthy and sustainable lives.  The Pink Door is a Freedom Fighting Mission for women and children caught in human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Berlin, Germany. 

Pink Door Berlin // English Version from crioco films on Vimeo.

ServLife – Servlife believes in helping rescue and rebuild the lives of children who have experienced abuse, neglect and injustice. Through their homes for children and schools, these children live in a community environment where they are offered education, clothing, food and love.  ServLife currently operates five children’s homes throughout Nepal and Northern India.

Caring for Children from servlife on Vimeo. Learn more at ServLife.org.

Drinkable Book – Imagine a book that has pages you can tear out and use to turn raw sewage into drinking water. Each page is implanted with silver or copper nanoparticles that kill bacteria when water passes through them, filtering out 99.9% of the bacteria and contaminates.  The drinkable book will be the most affordable way to purify water and will be a game changers in bringing the life source of water to communities in new ways.  This is one of the most technological & creative sustainable solutions on the horizon – take a look

Local Poverty

Wheeler Mission/Heroin Recovery -We in the tri-state region of Indiana, Kentucky & Ohio are in the national epicenter of the  heroin epidemic in the United States. Hamilton County is ninth in the state in heroin overdoses by county,  and we’re going put a dent in this, through eating on the cheap by and help bring people out of that addiction.

Indy Parks – Swim Lessons – The number one cause of death is among children in the greater Indianaplis area is death by drowning.  The University of Memphis found that nationally, nearly 70% of African American children and nearly 60% of Hispanic children have low or no swim ability, compared to 40% of Caucasians, putting them at risk for drowning.  We’re funding swimming lessons and giving children some fun back.

Your To-Do List

  1. Eat beans & rice for as many meals as you can OCTOBER 2 – 9 and save the cash you’d normally spend on food. If a typical lunch looks like a $7.00 Italian Night Club sub from Jimmy Johns, and one meal’s worth of beans & rice ends up costing you 50 cents, then you give the $6.50 difference for that meal. Repeat and continue throughout the week. This math is so simple, even musicians can do it.
  2. Make this page part of your daily routine and check back for inspiration and family tips.
  3. Give as you go OR save your cash throughout the week.

On October 9, we’ll pool our cash together during weekend services. And we’ll announce the total amount on Sunday, October 16.

Eating on the cheap is so much more fun when all your friends are doing it, too—and this is more than just a Crosspoint thing. Share your beans and rice experience and see the impact that a small community can have in a few short days:

  • View, share recipes and give encouragement on our Facebook wall.
  • Share your experience on Instagram and include #beansandriceweek or#eatonthecheap or #beansandrice2016  and tag @xptonline with your photos.
  • Share your experience on Twitter by including #beansandriceweek or#eatonthecheap or #beansandrice2016  and tag @xptonline.
  • Email your mobile videos to beansandriceweek@crosspointweb.org.
  • Drag the below profile pic, newsfeed or cover image onto your desktop and promote it on your Facebook and/or Instagram accounts for the next couple weeks.

Images to use: (right click and save image as)
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