We Are XPT


There is no “they” at Crosspoint. It’s just you and me, and hundreds of other regular folks seeking God. In fact, all great things that have had significant impacted our world, have always happened in “team.” When we all set our eyes and hearts on the direction God wants us to run, the results are extraordinary.

Join us this weekend as we take a 4-week look at what God has us running after and what’s next. 




Week 447 // September 13, 2015 // We Are TEAM

In every great cause it takes a “we” to accomplish the objective. It’s no different around XPT. This week we dive into our cause, our code, and what it takes to be “we” around here.


Week 448 // September 20, 2015 // We Are WATER

This week we are looking at how “we” bring water to those who need it.


Week 449 // September 27, 2015 // We Are MOVING

This week we pull back the curtain and look at what it means to be part of the “we” at Crosspoint through serving.
