Stuff Jesus Made Up: Asking The Right Question: The Good Samaritan
This is the opportunity for your group will discover what God might be saying to you out of the weekend experience, and how you can respond through a group discussion.
*This guide is designed to help you create meaningful conversations. Adjust the questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them.
- Describe a time when you were lost. How long did it take for you to discover you were lost and how did you get found or make your way back to the right path?
- What stood out to you the most from the weekend message?
- Why did that stand out to you most? What do you think God might be trying to say?
(It’s ok if you’re just guessing. This will give you some space to process what it might be.)
Read Luke 15:1-2
Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. 2 And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.”
- Jesus categorized two types of people in before starting into his three parables: 1) Tax collectors and sinners who knew they were lost yet would lean in and draw near to Jesus; and 2) Scribes and Pharisee’s who thought they were found yet tended to complain about God’s grace and compassion toward others. Which group do you feel like you identify with most, and why? Anyone can begin.
This weekend, we looked at 3 stories Jesus made up. When we look at these stories, the character, actions and intentions transfer from one story to the next, and, when something gets repeated this is very important. **Everyone take 4 minutes and read Luke 15:40-24 on your own, quietly. As you read, notice what stands out to you about what gets repeated. Ready, set, Go.
(Click here for Luke 15: 4-24 if needed)
- What stood out to you about what gets repeated? Why do you think this stood out to you today?
- In all three of these parables in Luke 15 it’s like Jesus wants to show us this part of his character: When we’re lost, God comes looking for us. How have you experienced this and how has it influenced your understanding of the character of God? Or, if this is foreign to you, how do you respond to this possible reality?
Wrap It Up: Before you wrap up, share how you can pray for each other this week.
More from the Weekend:
Join us next weekend for the Special Crosspoint Vision Weekend, May 16+19, in all services as we look ahead to where God is calling us. It’s part celebration, part behind the scenes storytelling, part vision for the future, all inspiration.
We’ll get back to Stuff Jesus Made Up the weekend of Macy 23+26.
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