

We probably all have at least one major unresolved question we need to wrestle with in order to go to a new place with God. For the next four weekends, August 17 through September 7, we’ll tackle some of the all-time heavyweight questions about things like science, history, suffering, and grace. Join us as we go head to head with the big ones and wrestle with what we find.

Week 391// August 17, 2014 // The Bible V. History

More and more we’re seeing that history is validating the Bible. Listen in and see some of the ways.


Week 392// August 24, 2014 // Suffering V. A Loving God

How can a loving God let all of the bad things happen that do in our world? Listen as we explore a biblical understanding of suffering.


Week 393// August 31, 2014 // Grace V. Hell

If God is a loving god, then how can a place like Hell exist? Listen as we explore how hell and grace works hand in hand.


Week 394// September 07, 2014 // Science V. Faith

Science and Faith regularly seem to be at odds with one another. Join us as scientist, good friend of XPT, and super-smart-guy-soon-to-be Dr. Eric Hunt joins Curt and explores how the complexity of science has grown his faith.