We’re tackling some of the all-time toughest objections to faith.

We probably all have at least one major unresolved question we need to wrestle with in order to go to a new place with God. Crosspoint is designed to be a place where we can all seek God, regardless of our starting point. Unfortunately, many of us have never had a healthy seeking process modeled for us… or a place do so. No matter your thoughts on God, Jesus, church or religion…You’re welcome here. We’ll have great coffee, loud music, low lights and clearly marked exits if you change your mind.

Join us for this four-week teaching series as we tackle some of the all-time heavyweight objections to faith and wrestle with what we find.

9.18:  Doubt vs Belief

9.25:  Science vs Faith

10.2:  Love vs Sex

10.9:  Hell vs Grace



WK 239// 091811 // DOUBT V. BELIEF (Audio Unavailable)

Doubt is part of it. It’s one of the steps that helps us grow. We have to think, learn, & explore on our own or we begin to take things for granted. In this lead off week to the Heavyweights series, Lead Pastor Curt Walters explains that wrestling with tough questions deepens our faith rather than destroying it.

WK 240// 092511 // SCIENCE V. FAITH (Right click to download)

Many people see that Science and Faith can’t coexist. In this week’s teaching, Curt invites local scientist and Intelligent Design expert Bryan Hunt to join in the discussion of how science and faith do, in fact, play off of each other. Referencing material from Intelligent Design theorists, Ben Stein’s Expelled, and astrological phenomena, there’s a lot to wrestle with.
[audio:http://www.wearecrosspoint.com/listen/teaching/240XPT_092511.mp3|titles=WEEK 240 // 092511 // SCIENCE v. FAITH | artists=Curt Walters, Lead Pastor & Bryan Hunt, Science Guru]

WK 241// 100211 // LOVE V. SEX (Audio Unavailable)

Love and Sex are two difficult topics that the church typically shys away from… or at least doesn’t do a good job of talking about. This past weekend Lead Pastor Curt Walters laid out some of the difficulties that come with trying to find a clear understanding between the two. The Bible draws some clear lines to define both.