There will be a stadium environment, music you’ll know, a head-to-head teach off competition including color commentary, a rocking half-time show, and maybe even a few surprises!

On GAME DAY, we’re kicking off a new teaching series, COLLISION: Where Sex & Spirituality Intersect.   
Each weekend in February we’ll explore and expose the truths and lies about sex that circulate in our culture. It’s sure to be eye-opening, a little uncomfortable, and even a little exciting.

Start your game day with Crosspoint and bring your party crowd! There will be friendly people, great coffee, and low lights with clearly marked exits if you change your mind.



In our 3rd annual teach off Lead Pastor Curt Walters squares off against Lisa Pay professor of Sociology at Anderson University. Lisa brings 12 years of experience of teaching Human Sexuality courses to the table as she brings the female perspective in this battle of the sexes. It’s a knock-down, drag-out look at some of the issues that plague our culture about sexuality. Sit back and expect the unexpected. (Disclaimer: This is a PG-13 teaching, so you might want to listen to it when your kids aren’t around, unless you’re ready to have some interesting conversations about the birds and the bees.)

[audio:|titles=WEEK 256 // 011512 // RELATIONSHIP BREAKTHROUGHS| artists=Curt Walters & Lisa Pay]