So… what’s this all about anyway?

We all want great friends.  But, it can be hard to move beyond casual acquaintances and drinking buddies to real friendships with real benefits. The kind of friends that share all of life’s highs and lows. Join us Sundays in February as we discover what it takes to develop friends with real benefits.

+ Podcasts

Week 364// February 09, 2014 // PUTTING COURAGE IN

One of the key elements to be a true friend is the ability to encourage someone. Best definition: encouragement is the spiritual act of speaking courage into another. Listen as Lead Pastor Curt Walters shares what the Bible has to say about what it means to be an encourager, one who will stand up for another at all costs. Also, watch a story (audio can be heard during the podcast) of 2 high school students from Cleveland, OH who put courage into each other.


Week 365// February 16, 2014 // SACRIFICE

Jesus tells us the greatest love we can show is to lay our life down for our friends. Easy to say, hard to do. Listen as Lead Pastor Curt Walters explains what laying your life down looks like as he shares the Old Testament story of Jonathan and David. Theirs was a friendship that truly had benefits.



Week 366// February 23, 2014 // RISK

Being a friend means risking. There’s a risk in initiating, a risk in being honest, and always the risk of conflict. However, if we want deep friendships these risks are worth it. Listen as Lead Pastor Curt Walters looks at the life of Jesus and how He models such friendship.