December – Virtue

Compassion is caring enough to do something about someone else’s need.

Memory Verse: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NirV)

Nov. 22: Prayer Experience – Your child will participate in several interactive prayer stations. Throughout the morning we will be spending time praying for others, thanking God, asking for forgiveness, praying for others, and asking God to help us.

Bottom Line: Spend time in prayer with God.

Nov. 29: This week kids will discover that compassion starts with God. John wrote about God’s love in his first letter to the church. In 1 John 4:9-12, we read that God initiated compassion when He sent His only Son into the world to give His life for us. John goes on to challenge his audience to love others as God loves us.

Bottom Line: God loved you first. How will you love others? GODtime Card 11.29

Dec. 6: We’ll head back to the book of Luke. If you start reading the Christmas story from the beginning, you hear about an angel who came to Mary. The Bible says this angel shows up after hundreds of years of God’s silence. But in the middle of that silence God was up to something huge. He had seen our greatest need and was doing something about it.

Bottom Line: God saw our greatest need. Whose needs do you see? GODtime Card 12.6

Dec. 13: In the most incredible part of this Christmas story, Jesus is born in Bethlehem. We don’t always think about it, but when you take time to understand what’s really going on here, you discover it’s pretty amazing. This is the moment that God stepped onto the planet in the form of a human baby. God cared enough about our need not only to recognize it, but to send His Son to become like us so that He could do something about that need.

Bottom Line: God gave us the greatest gift. What will you give? GODtime Card 12.13

Dec. 20: We’ll close out the month remembering how angels startled a group of shepherds and their flocks. This choir of angels announced what was about to happen. God kept His promise and now everyone could have hope and joy knowing that God would rescue them. The shepherds who heard the message that night were never the same. They couldn’t wait to share that good news of great joy to everyone in town.

Bottom Line: God gave us great news. Who will you tell? GODtime Card 12.20

UpStreet will not meet during the December 23rd and 24th services.