We tend to think of our sex lives as being separate from anything spiritual. But the Bible paints a very different picture of how spiritual realities run through every aspect of our lives including our sex lives.

God loves sex. Seriously.  In fact, He wants you to have a great sex life, and it‘s more than just physical.

Join us as we discover what happens when all of the aspects of our world collide.  Over these four weeks we’ll explore & expose the truths and lies about sex that circulate in our culture. It’s sure to be eye-opening, a little uncomfortable and even fun.

Whatever your thoughts on church, whatever your beliefs about God, you are welcome here.
Stop on by.  We’ll have fresh coffee, kind folks, low lights, and easy exits if you change your mind.

(Disclaimer: These are PG-13 teachings, so you might want to listen to them when your kids aren’t around, unless you’re ready to have some interesting conversations about the birds and the bees.)



In our 3rd annual teach off Lead Pastor Curt Walters squares off against Lisa Pay professor of Sociology at Anderson University. Lisa brings 12 years of experience of teaching Human Sexuality courses to the table as she brings the female perspective in this battle of the sexes. It’s a knock-down, drag-out look at some of the issues that plague our culture about sexuality. Sit back and expect the unexpected.

[audio:|titles=WEEK 259 // 011512 // The Physical | artists=Curt Walters & Lisa Pay]

WK 260// 021212// THE MENTAL

Audio unavailable due to technical issues.


It’s no secret that there’s a relational side to sex. But, when we treat that relational side of things like it doesn’t matter, when we treat sex like it’s just another option for entertainment between two people, we miss out on the intended intimacy that God intended for the sexual relationship. See, there’s something that happens when people start having sex. It’s meant to enhance a the relationship of marriage but when it’s treated incorrectly, it can easily becomes the focus of the relationship and quickly tears it down.

[audio:|titles=WEEK 261 // 021912 // The Relational | artists=Curt Walters]

WK 262// 022612// THE HEALING

May times when the church talks about sex, it’s from a guilty standpoint. What we want people to know out of today’s teaching is that there is healing. Plain and simple. GOD’s grace covers it all. What if sex built and healed past scars rather than destroyed a person’s sense of self worth. It is possible. And, it’s available.

[audio:|titles=WEEK 262 // 022612 // The Healing | artists=Curt Walters]