Everybody wants to be happy. Yet why is it easier to find but so hard to keep? We spend our whole lives chasing goals and dreams and feel good opportunities thinking it will finally make us happy. Perhaps what we’re really long for is joy.
Invite someone to come sit with you and join us next week as we chase joy.
New podcasts available every Monday afternoon
2.2+5.23 – Week 824 – Curt Walters – “Happy Happy, Joy Joy!”
Join Curt Walters as he teaches us steps we can take to have more joy and less anxiety.
Small Group Guide
Small Group Guide Week 1
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what makes you happy? Why do you think that comes to mind?
How would you define the word happiness? How do you think your definition has influenced the ways you’ve chosen to pursue happiness?
Read Philippians 4:4-6. Respond to Paul’s statement. Does it sound easy? Why or why not?
During the message, Curt said, “You can’t be joyful until your learn to accept where you are right now.” How is perhaps an unacceptance of where you are prohibiting your happiness and joy.
What is your biggest barrier in choosing to rejoice in God’s goodness when bad news comes your way. Or another way to say it – what gets in the way of you “changing your mind” when you begin a downward spiral, perseverating, taking things too personally or getting caught up in your own thoughts.
What are you going to do this week? What can this group do to support you?
Happiness is about who, not what.
2.12.23 – Week 825 – Curt Walters – “GameDay 2023”
The 2023 Gameday Teach-off turns a church service into a spectator sport. It’s more than just funny commercials and music that will melt your face, but a celebration of one of the best weekends of the year!
Small Group Guide
Small Group Guide Week 2
- What stood out to you most from this week’s GameDay message?
- What Tiktok or Instagram filter would best describe how you see life right now on a day-to-day basis (does it brighten, does it highlight extremes, or does it wash everything in black and gray)? Why did you pick that one?
- Would you describe your life as joy-filled? What would those closest to you say? Everyone gets two minutes to explain.
- Paul found joy even in the midst of great suffering. How do you respond to suffering? Where could you find joy in the midst of struggle?
- How would you live your life differently if you weren’t the main character? How might that impact your joy?
- How much does the past influence your current level of joy or enjoyment of life? Is there anything here you need to release?
- What is one way you can choose joy by serving someone else this week?
2.16+.23.23 – Week 826 – Curt Walters – “Why We Sing”
Join Curt Walters as he breaks down 4 things we can do that will increase our joy through the spiritual dynamic of celebrating.
Small Group Guide
Small Group Guide Week 3
Worship is “expressing Love” to our Heavenly Father. He wants you to express with your body what you feel in your heart. When we do this, not only does it honor him, but it also increases your joy factor.
- What stood out to you most from this weekend’s teaching on “Why We Sing?”
- Curt said that “Our relationship with God is one of the only relationships in our lives where we seek to separate our affection from our expression.” In what relationships do you find it easiest to express your affection? Do you find it easy or natural to express this affection as you sing, when you worship? If not, what do you think stands in the way?
- God gives us some specifics when we come together in the environment of worship: 1) We are commanded to sing (to make a Joyful noise); 2) We are commanded to make a loud noise (Clap, sing loud songs of joy); 3 We are commanded to lift our hands. Which of these is most natural for you? Are any of these difficult?
Read: EPHESIANS 5:19
4. The Apostle Paul shared how we can “borrow faith” from other believers when we are down, discouraged or lacking faith. Is there is a time when you have experienced this that you would you be willing to share with the group?
Read: 1 CORINTHIANS 14:24-25
5. The Apostle Paul says your worship has the ability to help spiritually seeking individuals see that God is real among us. Is there a time when you have seen or experienced this? Anyone want to share about it?
6. What does the way you worship and walk out of the weekend service experience show – that you’re winning or defeated? What is one step you are willing to take to better reflect in your body, what your heart is feeling?
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