Bravery 2016

Bravery is having the courage to do what you should, even when you’re afraid.

Memory Verse:  “But when I am afraid, I will trust in you.”  Psalm 56:3, NIrV

October 23:  Throughout the BRAVE journey we will learn about Peter and how he followed Jesus. Jesus called him to take risks by following and obeying Him.  Jesus told Peter to go out into the deep water to fish.  In Luke 5:1-11 He also told him to “fish for men.”  Peter’s job was to fill nets with fish and invite more and more people to follow Jesus.   God wants us to follow Him too.

Bottom Line: Jesus makes us brave

October 30: During a bad storm Jesus walked on water to help the disciples.  We will read how Peter was the only disciple brave enough to walk on water, listen to Jesus, and follow Him.  Peter started to sink because he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the high waves around him.  We probably won’t walk on water, but will face difficult situations and storms in life.  If we focus on Jesus we too can be brave, ask Him for help, and listen to Him.

Bottom Line: We need to be brave and listen to God.

November 6: In Luke 22:54-62 we will learn that Peter messed up and denied Jesus three times.  Jesus forgave him and loved him anyway.  Jesus forgive us and loves us too.  We mess up and make mistakes, but it’s with His power that we are able to keep on following Him bravely.

Bottom Line:  Do something brave.

November 13:  We will take a look at Acts 2 and learn how Peter took a brave step on his mission to follow Jesus.  Peter knew Jesus had given him the task of telling others about Jesus. He had no idea how to do it though, especially when there were people who didn’t even speak his language. But once he had the power of the Holy Spirit, he took the leap! He just started talking about Jesus…and the Holy Spirit helped everyone understand him.

Bottom Line:  Look for ways to be brave.

November 20: Together we will learn that Peter and other Christians followed Jesus, even when they could get in trouble.  They had the power of the Holy Spirit and were seeing miracles.  They also recognized that Jesus had given his life for them. They were willing to give up their own safety for him. They loved him so much that they would obey him.  We each have the same mission to follow Jesus, but it’s going to be different because Jesus is going to ask us to do different things. We need to practice listening to Jesus and looking for ways we can follow him bravely.

Bottom Line: God makes us brave.