Stay informed with the most up to date information and goings on at Crosspoint…
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud xptadmin contributed a whooping 248 entries.
Stay informed with the most up to date information and goings on at Crosspoint…
We all have ideas of what families should look like. Most of these concepts are probably in some way, shape, or form dictated to us by sitcoms. Over these four weeks, we’ll take a semi-serious look at the roles of families and family members in our lives. There’s sure to be some laughter… because sometimes […]
Do you have questions about GOD? Faith? Life? We do. Some things about GOD & life just don’t seem to add up, do they? We don’t have all the answers, so we can’t expect you to either. We want Crosspoint to be a safe place to ask and explore. That’s why we’re here. So, we […]
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