Entries by xptadmin


Truth is, there IS a method to most of the madness that goes on around Crosspoint. On any given Sunday, there is 17% of the world’s population in church and committed to seeking and exploring the Way of GOD. We don’t exist for that 17%. We’re here for the other 83%. We’re here for the […]


Imagine waking up excited and full of hope. Imagine living free from the burdens of your past mistakes and others’ expectations. What would you do? The Bible says, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” Not fear. Not guilt. Not morality or religion. Jesus said he came so we could enjoy a […]

Life Together Groups

LIFE TOGETHER// REAL CHURCH GOD SAID IT. “It is not good for man to be alone” (GEN 2:18). LIFE TOGETHER is where we believe church REALLY happens. LIFE TOGETHER GROUPS (LTGs) are currently meeting in homes throughout the week all over the community. Follow the links below to find a group that meets in or […]


Have you ever felt like your pursuits of God have led only to a spiritual round-a-bout of cluttered assumptions, stained-glass sound bytes, and the empty facade of pop-spirituality? If so, you’re in need or a return to SQUARE ONE. These assumptions shape the entire way we see the world around us. These are based on […]

Why We Sing

PS 71:23//  When I open my mouth, I will sing Your praises — I, whom You have redeemed … This is the way we approach our worship. We all sing for different reasons. …because we want to be part of something bigger… …because we need to feel something… …because we like the music… …because we […]

One Cup At A Time

We believe GOD is generous. We want to reflect that. We want to bless people in everything we do, because we’re convinced we’re called to be a “love machine” in our community and around the world.

So, we’ve joined forces with Land of A Thousand Hills Coffee…


What does it mean to be prepared? What does it look like to be ready for what GOD wants to do in your life? The Bible talks quite-a-bit about being ready for GOD. Are we truly ready for what GOD wants to do to & through us? We’re taking the next few weeks to look […]