Entries by xptadmin


The links below were referenced on Sunday, July 1, 2012 in Curt’s teaching. WK 278// 061712 // re:PLAY Being Father’s Day, Curt takes a hard look at why dads are important. Being a provider isn’t the only thing that dads are for. Building up children, working alongside each other, and making sure that they’re not […]

You’ve Got Mail

YOU’VE GOT MAIL WORDS TO LIVE BY FOR A LIFE THAT’S MORE THAN GETTING BY Everyone is designed to work hard, but in the name of working harder, achieving more, and getting ahead, we can be tempted to completely squeeze valuable times of rest, recreation, & relationships out of our lives.  We find ourselves going […]

UpStreet Summer Virtue

TRUST: Putting your confidence in someone you can depend on. Memory Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38, NIV  Download the weekly GODtime Cards. JUNE 12Jun_GodTime Week1 12Jun_GodTime_Week2 12Jun_GodTime_Week3 12Jun_GodTime_Week4 JULY 12Jul_GodTime_Week1 12Jul_GodTime_Week2 12Jul_GodTime_Week3 […]

Crazy 2012

We’re 2 years in to our Crazy Campaign to bring Crosspoint to it’s new home at the corner of Olio & Silverstone Dr. Watch this short update video from Lead Pastor Curt Walters. And, listen to the teaching. WK 276// 060312 // CRAZY UPDATE [audio:http://www.wearecrosspoint.com/listen/teaching/276XPT_060312.mp3|titles=WEEK 277 // 060312 // Crazy Update| artists=Curt Walter, Lead Pastor]

Great Expecations – Kids’ MAY GODtime Cards

This month in UpStreet we’re looking at the virtue of: RESPONSIBILITY “Showing you can be trusted with what’s expected of you.” Memory Verse: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” Luke 16:10, NIV Click to view. Right click to download. 12May_GodTime_Color_Week1 12May_GodTime_Color_Week2 12May_GodTime_Color_Week3 12May_GodTime_Color_Week4


We’ve all heard of win-win situations, but daily we engage in lose-lose activities and we don’t realize just how destructive they are. Being rich(er) or smart(er) or funny(er) may feel like a short-term win, but due to the long-term effects on ourselves, our families, our marriages… in the game of comparison, there are no winners. […]


If you dig under the surface of almost any weakness in your life and you’ll find pride. It’s the root that produces a host of problems in our relationships, careers, families, and even in our self-identity. Until we interrupt it, the weeds will continue to sprout. We invite you to join us for this 4-week […]