Entries by xptadmin

Operation Christmas Child

Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please) or a small plastic container. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift. Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, […]

Mentioned 100712

The links below were referenced on Sunday, October 7, 2012 in Curt’s teaching with Ann Smith. Heavyweights We’re tackling some of the all-time toughest objections to faith. We probably all have at least one major unresolved question we need to wrestle with in order to go to a new place with God. Crosspoint is designed […]

Backyard Gospel

Talking about Jesus with your friends can be like a backyard conversation—no arm-twisting, pulpit-preaching, or condescending needed. So, for 4-weeks we’ll dig in to the sharing and receiving of Jesus’ story in a way that pairs well with burgers and brats. Simple. Easy. Life changing. Join us Sundays, September 16 – October 7 at 9 & 10:30am. […]

September Virtue // Respect

UpStreet & Area56 will focus on RESPECT this month. Respecting God & Respecting others.   The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 2:17 to “Show proper respect to everyone. Love the community of believers. Have respect for God. Honor the king.” (NIrV) and this month we will learn all the ways we can do that! […]


Just like certain weather patterns contribute to the climate we’ve experienced this summer, climate isn’t just what can be observed outside.  The patterns, attitudes and behaviors of our lives influence the climate all around us — in far reaching places.  Join us for this 4 week look at how the “atmosphere” we create may be contributing to […]

August Virtue // Contentment

This month UpStreet & Area56 are looking at Contentment. “Choosing to be happy with what you’ve got.” Download the weekly GODtime Cards. Aug_GodTime_Week1 Aug_GodTime_Week2 Aug_GodTime_Week3 Aug_GodTime_Week4


The Christian religion has been seduced by the very mindset Jesus opposed. What Jesus taught wasn’t about empty rituals or doing things because “that’s how they’ve always been done.” He didn’t come to start a new religion called “Christianity.” He came to revolt. What he taught was about a way of life. About living a […]