Entries by xptadmin

Married People

DID YOU KNOW? 54% of Americans are married. 21%  more hope to one day marry. 100% of people have a good friend who is married. 50% of these marriages will end in divorce. Unless we have God’s standard for marriage and understand what marriage is about, we are just making it up as we go. And even when we […]

Game Day 2015

CROSSPOINT’S ANNUAL GAME DAY TEACH-OFF VI This is the one holiday that ALL Americans enjoy – you know, the game day that is “super” and referred to as a “bowl” (legally, we can’t say the phrase).  At Crosspoint, we have this belief that among other things – church should be, well… FUN!  So, when you […]


As a thank you to the hard working staff & volunteers that make everything that happens at Crosspoint, well, happen… we annually take the last Sunday of the year off as a day of rest. Please join us in the new year as we start the year off by starting a new series called START.  If […]


START: New Series This January We all want to be better. (More Pilates, less chain-smoking. That sort of thing.) But real change is hard. They best way to get to a new and better place is to make the decision to START. Join us in January as we focus on Jesus–a strong, caring ally with […]

Christmas Eve 2014

THE THRILL OF HOPE… From Clark Griswold and Buddy the Elf to Ralphie Parker and George Bailey, the through line of every Christmas movie and TV special you’ll watch this season is HOPE. That same dynamic is what made the first Christmas so extraordinary. The Thrill of Hope at Christmas is found in a Heavenly […]

Thrill Of Hope

At the center of every Christmas TV special or movie that you watch this season is HOPE. From Clark Griswald, Buddy the Elf, Ralphie Parker, George Bailey to the event that took place in a stable in Bethlehem, the Thrill of Hope is the through-line of every Christmas story. That same dynamic is what made […]

Consumed 2014

We’re all consumed by something. The Consumed Journey is designed to help free everyone who goes through the journey from the enslavement of materialism and to inspire people to give generously of their time and money to God’s kingdom Purpose: to break the bonds of materialism to experience the freedom of living generously. + WHAT’S […]