Entries by xptadmin

Like A Boss

LIKE A BOSS Do your job like a BOSS. God designed us to work, and he loves when we pile-drive our to-do lists into oblivion. So let’s learn what it takes to work with purpose and authority (besides just growing a ‘stache). Crush that spreadsheet. Mop like you own the place. Fold that laundry like […]

Do Over

What do you do when it all falls apart? Your career, your marriage, your dream . . . How do you pick up the pieces and begin again? The consequences are usually mild when we ignore the directions for repairing a computer or just muff one off of the 1st tee. But the price of rushing […]

April 2015 – Peace

Peace Proving you care more about each other than about winning an argument. Memory Verse: “So let us do all we can to live in peace. And let us work hard to build each other up,” (Romans 14:19, NIrV) Week 1: We’ll start the month with the best example of peace, Jesus’ death and resurrection. […]

Easter 2015

Easter. Peeps and bunny baskets aside, the Easter story could feel stale—maybe even irrelevant. But what if the story of Easter isn’t just about a guy with a sweet beard who died 2,000 years ago and walked back out of his grave? What if it’s a story that actually happens all the time—to us, to […]

How To Change The World

How To Change The World Audacious? Sure is. Easy target for naysayers? Without question. It may sound lofty, but we want to be a tribe that sends ripples out, all over the world. If you do a quick read of the books of Acts and you’ll see world-changing, ripple-effect, obedience-stepping all over the place. Time […]

MARCH 2015 – Patience

Patience Waiting until later for what you want now. Memory Verse: “Wait for the Lord. Be strong and don’t lose hope. Wait for the Lord.” – Psalm 27:14 Bottom Line – What we want the kids to know: Remember that God’s plan is bigger than yours. Week 1: We’ll start the month with one of the best […]

FEBRUARY 2015 – Kindness

KINDNESS “Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them.” Memory Verse “Do to others as you want them to do to you.” – Luke 6:31 + This month our children’s environments will be looking at the virtue of KINDENSS. Download the weekly Fridge cards with the monthly memory verse, weekly meal time discussions, and […]