UpStreet – January 2017

Knowledge is discovering something new so that you can be better at whatever you do.

Memory Verse:  “Your word is like a lamp that shows me the way.  It is like a light that guides me.”  Psalm 119:105, NIrV

January 8 – God Time 1.8
We kick off January with young Jesus’ life and look at Luke 2 when He was twelve years old. Jesus had traveled to Jerusalem with his family for a festival. When Mary and Joseph began their journey home they realized Jesus wasn’t with them.  We need to keep learning what God says through His words. Through reading the Bible, we can hear what God wants us to know.

Bottom Line: What God says is the most important thing to know.

January 15 – God Time 1.15
In John chapter 1, we read John’s account of Jesus’ baptism. Jesus was about to start His public ministry and shows up on the banks of the Jordan River where his cousin, John the Baptist, was baptizing people.  That day, he pointed out to everyone who Jesus was and why they should know Jesus and start to follow Him.  The more we read God’s Word, the more we understand about who Jesus is and why He came to earth.

Bottom Line: Discovering what God says helps you follow Jesus.

January 22 – God Time 1.22
After Jesus is baptized, God leads Him to the wilderness where Satan tempts Him. Satan twisted what Jesus knew about God and His Word. But Jesus knew Scripture backwards and forwards. Jesus leveraged what He knew from Scripture to use God’s truth to fight and win over evil.

Bottom Line: Discovering what God says helps you make the wise choice

January 29 – God Time 1.29
We end our month on knowledge in Matthew 11 where we find John the Baptist in prison. John wondered if Jesus was truly the Savior that God had promised and goes right to the Source to find out. Jesus responded with love and reassured John that all of God’s promises are coming true.

Bottom Line: When you don’t know what God says, ask.