This is the opportunity for your group will discover what God might be saying to you out of the weekend experience, and how you can respond through a group discussion.
*These questions are designed to help you create meaningful conversations. Adjust the questions as needed, and don’t feel like you need to answer all of them.
- What stood out to you most from the weekend message?
- Where have you experienced pushback on a goal, vison or initiative from the people around you recently?
- How do you typically handle opposition to or criticism of your visions, plans, or ideas? How does it make you feel?
- What’s an area of your life or a relationship where it feels like there’s always pushback?
- Where do you see yourself pushing back against the visions of others? How does your pushback impact your relationship with them?
- Read Nehemiah 4:19-20. Where have you seen your friends and/or family show up, even in the midst of hardship or opposition? Where have you seen God in those moments?
- What’s one step you can take to push through opposition this week?
- Wrap It Up. Close with Prayer. You can say something like, “God, thank you for the gift of other people. Help me to find joy in your strength this week, even in the midst of pushback. Give us the same humility and love you have, so we can share it with the people around us. Amen.”
Bonus Material. If you’re on a roll and want to go a little deeper.
- Think of a time you felt threatened or intimidated by someone else’s vision. How did you respond?
- Where are you finding Joy in the midst of the negative criticism. What does that look like?
- What are some angers or fears you can bring to God this week?
- What does it look like for you to stay on the wall, in the midst of the criticism or distractions?
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