Life Apps

Apps_sliderSometimes there is a gap between what we say and what we do. Well, there’s an app for that.
When it comes to our lives, the Bible gives us many applications to live by, but real change only happens when we apply them.

Join us as we dive into 6 life apps worth living by.

Sundays, September 8 – October 13



Week 342 // September 08, 2013 // The Trust App

We make assumptions everyday… especially when it comes to our relationships. Do we believe the best or assume the worst when our expectations don’t match our experience. Listen as Curt explains the power that we have to help grow our trust, our faith, and to get to better days simply by making the choice to believe the best.


Week 343 // September 15, 2013 // The Suffering App

In some way, shape, or form, we’ve all experienced suffering. Some worse than other, for sure. How do we handle it? Is there actually a purpose? Listen as Curt explains what is believed to be the oldest written story in the Bible, the story of Job: a man who literally lost everything. There have rarely been a story as difficult as Job’s… yet still he had faith. See how.


Week 344 // September 22, 2013 // The Confession App

We’ve all heard that confession is good for the soul. But, is it really? Real, “take the blame because I messed up” confession isn’t something that we come by naturally. Listen and explore as we look at what real confession looks like and how it just might help in more aspects of your life than you might expect.


Week 345 // September 29, 2013 // The Selfish App

Or maybe “The Anti-selfish App” would be a better title. This week we took a look at one of the biggest problems in our western culture and one of the small ways we can combat it. During services we took everyone that came through the auditorium doors on a behind the scenes look of Crosspoint and the places people make it happen. By giving just a little time, an eternal difference might be made.


Week 346 // October 06, 2013 // The Tongue App

“Stick and stones may break my bones…” but we know that words really can hurt. This week Paul Hevesy, a member of our teaching team looks at some of the hurtful ways that we use our words and gives a four practical steps to use your words to build and not destroy.


Week 347 // October 13, 2013 // The Community App

There’s a reason that other people are important in our lives… God made it that way. This week we explore what it means to get out of rows in an auditorium on Sundays and into circles within our community throughout the week, the benefit of doing it, and how living our faith is more than just coming to church.